So this is where I am, the final semester of high school! It's such a funny place in life, like, even as a nutty homeschooler I still have felt the hierarchy of the classes and now I'm technically at the top. Woohoo. This semester is going to be fun, being at home with my family, studying, reading, playing music, watching Psych, going to fantastic conferences and just enjoying life like we're all meant to. This semester I hope to see every sunset and glory in the absolute power of my Maker.
Today is the best day because it's all you have, make it what you can. Today is the beginning of my sunset marathon. I need to acquire a camera to capture the really brilliant ones.
So music is a big part of my life and I lead worship a lot when I can but I rarely listen to worship music on my own. Today though I have been working on my old worship playlist and it's pretty cool, these songs are pretty nice. I found My Savior My God by Aaron Shust on an old WOW disc I found a few minutes ago and it's still a really good song. Woot.
[I almost started this paragraph with 'So' but noticed the first two did so I changed it.]

According to plan and speculation I'll be moving to Texas in 114 days. That's actually pretty simultaneously exciting and daunting, as many things are.
[Break Me Down by Tenth Avenue North is playing, go listen to it!] I'm looking forward to getting to America and starting my life there and being sneaky and acting like I totally know what's going on in the American scene. I'll enjoy Christian radio, wide roads, driving, understanding words, (though missing the meaning) my awesomely wonderful friends there, siblings the lack of sketchy bill boards, general cleanness and just the spiritual intake. On the other hand saying goodbye to Europe is going to be so strange. I mean, Slovakia is my home of all the homes I know. Leaving Europe, the cobblestone streets, the accent dirtiness, the old downtowns, trains, public transit, friends scattered everywhere, gratify, right-angled curbs, two story houses, snow, my family, my room, travel and Kofola, best soft drink of all time.
I am content in this though, that every one has their time, you were my age once and I will be yours or perhaps I have been yours and you will be mine. We all have our time and we live our lives where we are, bloom where we're planted and dance where our feet hit the ground. Here I'll live and there I shall as well. If I let Him, God will make me an explosion of love and passion for Him and His people that will sweep from one place to the next. God's ready for everything and I am His, here I stand by His side, we're ready for the world.