The other day was I fixing some tea. I grabbed a spoon from the drawer but I stopped to find a different one, an individual one, a prettier one, a
better one. It was after I found my quarry that I stopped to think: why did I want
this spoon? Sure, it's nicer and yeah, it has some working on the handle that gives it a sense of class and beauty. But why? Why do I want something better? The other spoons would do their job just as well, why do I have a desire for this spoon?

I believe we, as humans, want what's best, we want the greatest thing ever. Often this comes out in such a wrong way. We have to have the latest, the greatest, the most freakishly awesome no-doubt-about-it super cool product and we'll go to whatever depth and height to get it. We put this desire we feel into a hunt for something to fill us with, something to make us okay, that's how we are and that's how we were made and it's honestly beautiful. Sadly, we're a beautiful letdown. See, we all have these emotions driving us to cling to things, to find our significance in them and that's just what we should do, we just don't go far enough.
There is only one Thing, one Being, that can really fulfill that desire we all are dying with and that's the one Thing that's always been there waiting for us. God is the most awesome, the most fantastically phenomenal Being there ever has been or will be. In fact, he made awesome, He's so awesome we have to write a new song about Him quite frequently because we simple can't hold in what little of Him we actually understand.
So learn a lesson from the spoon, seek the prize of true fulfillment. Read this and know that I mean this whole heartedly,
EVERYTHING in this world isn't going to last a day longer than God wants it to, and He knows best and it's all going to be gone before we know it and I hope that's not before you're ready.
I hope this meant a little to you, I can understand how this stuff can start bouncing off the callused. Please have a good night, day, and everything in between.
I pray you don't miss it.
In Christ
Great post, Michael! It's so true that most of the time we choose "the best" and miss it in the process. Thanks for the reminder of who is the best and who should be sought above all else.