Monday, October 10, 2011

One thing.

Here I sit leaning against a pillar on Blinn College Campus. It's almost nine and no one seems to be here. I know that's not true because many classes are still in session. I'm watching Merlin and it is a fine night out. I stop and wonder how much glory and beautiful goes unnoticed.
The proud Texas flag waves on the autumn breeze, the moth dances around the lamp post, crickets, distant cars, and very little else. Most of all the full moon is glowing with the sun's light. We spend so much time in cars, inside, online, using phones. Me more than any. I so wish I stopped to admire the moment. I see every moment as a passing thing that will be here no more and what will be lost? And thinking farther out into the night sky I think of all the stars, the planets, galaxies we've never seen! So much we're missing! Of course there is beauty and glory to come but this moment is just for this time. Comes and goes. Just that simple but means so much now, here in Bryan, Texas this October night.
There's comfort in two things right now. The first being the knowledge of the coming Kingdom. God will receive more glory then than this world has ever been capable of. Second I know that creation its self also brings glory to God, whether I acknowledge it or not. That's a comforting thing, though I know He doesn't need my praise. We though, being the final work of creation, being made in God's image, are called to a higher calling of worship.
God was perfectly fine before I ever came along but I know He want's my praise and I know He deserves glory and most of all I want to worship. It's my aim to find all the little things worth praising God's name for.

         One thing I have desired of the LORD,
         That will I seek:
         That I may dwell in the house of the LORD
         All the days of my life,
         To behold the beauty of the LORD,
         And to inquire in His temple.

This is it. This is the call that David felt and wrote on in Psalm 27 and that is what I have felt. I desire to seek the Truth of God in His Word and know Him. To see His beauty. To chase the rainbows.

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